Indian Service Tax
Leased Circuit Service
Effective Date: 16/07/2001.
Authority: Notification No. 4/2001-ST, dt. 9/7/2001 (for full text of Notification see under Broadcasting).
Rate of Service Tax: 8% from 14/5/2003 (5% upto 13/5/2003). 10% from 10/9/2004 - Cess 2% of 10% = 0.2. Total ST = 10.2%.
Definition: leased circuit "means a dedicated link provided between two fixed locations for exclusive use of the subscriber and includes a speech circuit, a data circuit or a telegraph circuit, [Section 65(60)]
Taxable service: Leased circuit service provided by the telegraphic authority to a subscriber.
Value of taxable service: Gross amount chtaarged from the subscriber, but the initial deposit made by the subscribers at the time of application shall not be included in the value of taxable service. However, any adjustment made by the Telegraph Authority from any deposit made by the subscribers at the time of application for such services shall be included.
Person liable to pay: Telegraph Authority.
Head of Account
Main text of Departmental Circular/TN
[Ministry's F.No. B.II/I/2000-TRU dated 9/7/2001 - Annexure XII]
N.B.:- For full text of Ministry's F.No. B.II/I/2000-TRU dated 9/7/2001 see Annexure XII under "Facsimile Service".
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