
Friday, January 18, 2008

Clearly, Ram communicated more that fIrst meets the eye

Clearly, Ram communicated more that fIrst meets the eye. From the moment he left

home to the moment he looked at his watch, Ram was giving, receiving, or handling

information. Nothing that he did directly involved making whatsits, which, of course, is the

Typical Company’s main reason for being. Yet there is no question of the importance of

his activities to Typical’s operations. Obviously, Ram’s work assignment more directly

involves communi-cation that do many other assignments at Typical. But there are many

other communi-cation-oriented assignments in the company; and every Typical

employee’s workday is spotted in varying degrees with communication in one form or

another. If we were to trace the workdays of each Typical employee and combine our

findings, we would come up with an infInitely complex picture of the communication that

goes on at

Typical. We would see that communication truly plays a major role in Typical’s


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